Suggest and discuss definitions of justice.
Read quotes about justice and analyze what they reveal about justice.
Learn about the quest for redress following the Japanese American incarceration during WWII.
Find and summarize a news article on a current event related to justice.
Discuss the Japanese American Redress Movement based on your prior reading.
Watch Japanese Americans reflect on what the redress movement meant to them and their families.
Summarize and discuss your justice-related news article.
Watch the story of a man who took on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Choose a modern social justice issue to research further.
Examine the complex relationship between justice and truth, peace, and reconciliation.
Consider alternative models of justice around the world.
Listen to and watch media about justice in animals and consider key related questions.
Contemplate the role and value of apology in “correcting” an injustice and fostering reconciliation.
Watch the history of Japanese American redress through the perspective of Norman Y. Mineta.