Civil Liberties & Social Equity Research Project
Research Project
Conduct research on a current-day issue related to civil liberties or social equity.
Choose a current-day issue related to civil liberties or social equity, and work with your team or on your own to research your issue in depth. Your research should include all the components below. Summarize your research findings in a written report.
Report components
History overview: What is the history of this issue? What efforts have already been made to address the issue?
Current status: What is the current status of this issue?
Ideas and approaches: In your research, what ideas/approaches for addressing this issue did you find most interesting, innovative, effective, or promising?
Recommendations: What can we do as individuals to help address this issue? What can we do as a community/society to help address this issue?
Your research report will be evaluated based on the following dimensions:
quality and accuracy of research;
clarity of writing;
use of appropriate and reliable sources;
proper citation of sources; and
equitable division of group work among members.